Club Person of the Year 2019
Club Person of the Year 2019
Frank Brownlie

The Roger Dixon Sheild, replaced the Curtis Shield in 2017.
Both trophies are awarded to the person who has made the greatest contribution the club in the past year - the club person of the year, every member of the club has a vote.
This year so many people have stepped up to make this club run so smoothly. The bar continues to be raised, be that in organisation, support, developing teams, our comms or representing the club both in the UK and abroad.
However throughout this year, one person has dedicated so much time, effort and energy into keeping this club running.
They are constantly working to ensure our records are maintained timely and accurately, upholding the reputation of the club with others - be that our neighbouring clubs, league organisers, sponsors, charity partners, the London marathon events, steering our comms plans and not to mention chairing this club.
Earlier this year Frank decided this was to be his last as chair, and drafted a very long list of his tasks that he needed to re home. These tasks are not necessarily tasks that a Chair should have taken on, but nevertheless they needed to be done, and Frank selflessly, took up the slack.
He has never been known to complain that he didn't want to do it. His wife reminds him constantly that this is meant to be fun, and like the gambling commercials, when the fun stops, stop.
An addiction or passion for running? Frank's dedication and contribution to the club, is second to none, and has actually been worthy of winning this prize for many years.
Sadly, during this year Frank's health had deteriorated and on 5 March was rushed to hospital for what ended up being a triple bypass. Even though he was in pain and pending a major operation, he still managed to steward the club - worrying about the Chingford League Relays - where we were buying and presenting a new trophy not to mention the hosting arrangements, and then there was our work at the London Marathon. Topping this off he also was updating the club website.
A week or so later, the op took place, but no sooner than he was back on the ward he was asking about volunteers for the marathon, and texting the Big Half Volunteers from his hospital bed, saying that he could actually see us from St Barts! Not wanting to sit around and convalesce he was walking daily and by 13 April he had completed his 50th parkrun in a little over 58 mins. The rest is history. There is so much love within the club for Frank and we all so delighted that he has continued to build his strength week after week. Last week he completed his parkrun in under 32 mins and exceed a 54% age grade. Frank has such determination and courage, that his energy drives this club so well.
You may know that Frank is stepping down as Chair this year, and although he still has a couple of months to go, it's fitting that in 2019 that the club members chose him as the Club Person of the Year.
Frank was presented with the Roger Dison Sheild by Sally Dixon (Roger's Daughter) who said "One of the things I am most proud of this year is presenting the Roger Dixon Sheild for East London Runners. An absolute honour."
Frank was presented with the Roger Dison Sheild by Sally Dixon (Roger's Daughter) who said "One of the things I am most proud of this year is presenting the Roger Dixon Shield for East London Runners. An absolute honour."