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Runners Profiles

This page show the Race Results, including Times, Places and Locations, for all of our current membership over distances ranging from 5k to Marathon plus Cross Country, Ultras, Duathlon, Triathlon and other related events over the past 6 years or so.

You can have a short biography added to your page with or without a photograph by sending the information to the Webmaster via the usual e.mail address. Publication may be subject to editorial amendment/agreement!

Please also see here a list of PBs relating to current members of the club. You can order by any column by clicking at the top of the column.

Please select a runner

Runners who have added content to their profiles
Michael Bamford
Alice Barrett
Stuart Barton
Suzanne Bench
Don Bennett
Roselin Boramakot
Jayne Browne
Frank Brownlie
Ciaran Canavan
Sonia Cheadle
Grant Conway
Jimmy Dale
Carlton DSouza
Becky Evans
Caroline Frith
Karan Gadhia
Maya Goodwin
Warren Ibrahim
Karen Levison
Paul Marshall
Scott McMillan
Mark Moir
Caroline Moore
Tricia ONeill
Diana Rexhepaj
Jose Rodriguez
Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera
Jacob Stevens
Paul Thompson
Michael Wilson
Joanna Wood
Jonathan Wooldridge
Derek Wright